
Support migration of all PG extensions

shubham-yb opened this issue · 0 comments

Since YB doesn't currently support all PG extensions, if such extensions are present in the source DB and encountered during the migration, they will error out.
List of supported extensions:

"adminpack", "amcheck", "autoinc", "bloom", "btree_gin", "btree_gist", "citext", "cube",
"dblink", "dict_int", "dict_xsyn", "earthdistance", "file_fdw", "fuzzystrmatch", "hll", "hstore",
"hypopg", "insert_username", "intagg", "intarray", "isn", "lo", "ltree", "moddatetime",
"orafce", "pageinspect", "pg_buffercache", "pg_cron", "pg_freespacemap", "pg_hint_plan", "pg_prewarm","pg_stat_monitor",
"pg_stat_statements", "pg_trgm", "pg_visibility", "pgaudit", "pgcrypto", "pgrowlocks", "pgstattuple", "plpgsql",
"postgres_fdw", "refint", "seg", "sslinfo", "tablefunc", "tcn", "timetravel", "tsm_system_rows",
"tsm_system_time", "unaccent", "uuid-ossp", "yb_pg_metrics", "yb_test_extension"

Any other extension if encountered will error out.