
[YSQL] Support for Materialized Views

mheer9 opened this issue · 0 comments

Jira Link: DB-745
This is a master issue for tracking the progress of MATERIALIZED VIEWS

Phase 1 - Support create, drop, refresh materialized view

Status Feature GitHub Issue Comments
CREATE, DROP Materialized View #10509 Handled like any other YB relation
REFRESH Materialized view (non-concurrent) #10510 We create a new relation which stores the updated data, and then we swap the storage of the old relation with that of the new relation

Phase 2 - Support concurrent refreshes

Status Feature GitHub Issue Comments
REFRESH Materialized View (concurrent) #10511 We load the data into a temporary relation, construct a diff relation of the new data and the old matview data, and perform deletes and inserts accordingly.

Phase 3 - Support alters

Status Feature GitHub Issue Comments
⬜️ ALTER Materialized View #10512