
[Colocation] Make colocated tables default for SQL databases

rkarthik007 opened this issue · 1 comments

Jira Link: [DB-414](https://yugabyte.atlassian.net/browse/DB-414)
SQL databases often have many tables, most of these are often very small. It would be good to start with colocated tables by default, and proceed to splitting only those tables that are observed to be growing fast. Below is a list of tasks in order to accomplish this.

Status Feature GitHub Issue YugabyteDB Version
Design doc for colocated tables
Support ALTER TABLE for colocated tables #4293 v2.2
⬜️ Optimize joins in colocated tables #4515 v2.2, v2.3
⬜️ Support TABLEGROUP syntax for colocated tables in YSQL v2.3
⬜️ Online index rebuild for colocated tables v2.3
⬜️ Support multiple colocation groups in one database #4525 v2.3
⬜️ Support backup and restore for colocated tables #4517 v2.3
⬜️ xCluster replication support in colocated tables #4516 v2.3
⬜️ Manually pull out fast growing tables from colocation group #4396 Consider for v2.3
⬜️ Route query to colocated tablet leader’s YSQL server #4514
⬜️ Automatically pull out fast growing tables from colocation group #4396


This is now outdated, tracking issue moved to #11665