
To retrieve text from URL

  • The curl command used to get data from the URL and store in a file is curl "" -O data.txt

To process text data

  • tr ' ' '\12' < data.txt is the command used to map each line into individual words.
  • tr ' ' '\12' < data.txt | sort is the command used to sort the text in data file.
  • tr ' ' '\12' < data.txt | sort | uniq -c is the command used to sort the output based on uniqueness of data
  • tr ' ' '\12' < data.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr is used to send the output i.e unique words to sort with -nr flag. Where the numerical comparison is done with reversing results.
  • tr ' ' '\12' < data.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > result.txt is used to store the output of previously executed command to result.txt file.

up arrow in Bash

  • Up arrow in bash shell is used to view the commands that were executed previously. 

Bash Shell Commands

  1. sort --help displays arguments that are used while sorting with bash commands. 
  2. "-n" - To sort the data by comparing with numerical value. 
  3. "-r" - To reverse the results. 
  4. One dash is used for a single letter flag. 
  5. when flag is more than one letter, two dashes are used