Incorrect conversion of "should have(n).foos"
jensb opened this issue · 2 comments
I am converting a spec which contains lots of tests like
@foo.should have(2).bars
These get converted to
expect(@foo.size).to eq(2)
which is incorrect. There is a warning during conversion about missing runtime information, but (to me) it is quite clear that the conversion should be
expect(@foo.bars.size).to eq(2)
Right? Or am I missing something?
If the @foo
responds to #bars
, it should be converted to expect(@foo.bars.size).to eq(2)
. However if it does not respond to #bars
, it should be converted to expect(@foo.size).to eq(2)
(in this case the bars
is just a syntactic sugar for readability).
but (to me) it is quite clear that the conversion should be ...
Unfortunatly it's not clear without runtime information.
I have now converted everything manually but is it possible to just ''assume'' (during conversion) that e.g. "bars" in @foo.bars
is defined so that the information is kept? Or provide a blacklist (remove "items" and "things", but keep everything else)? Thanks!