
Crawling not working when maxConcurrency is not 1

simlevesque opened this issue · 2 comments

I think it's the same bug as : #248

What is the current behavior?
My crawler fetches a page and the evaluation function returns a function which fetches another page.
If I set the concurrency to zero, the data is properly fetched. I get the data from the fetch and it is returned to me. If the concurrency is bigger than 1, the data is not returned.

What is the expected behavior?
No matter the concurrency, the evaluated function should return the same content.

Please tell us about your environment:

  • Version: 1.8
  • Platform / OS version: Ubuntu 17.10
  • Node.js version: 10.11

It would be useful if you share the code used to replicate the bug.
@yujiosaka should take a look at this.

closing, since no further info followed. Concurrency seems to work fine.