
Menumeter displays wierd network figures

MIsaka10630 opened this issue · 3 comments

Screenshot 2021-08-28 at 22 47 41

refering to the screen shot, in activity moniter shows only 4.56M/s reciving data, but menumeter displays 38.7M/s which I don't understand whats going on. ps later menumeter records a 60+ Gb of recieved data, but my rounter records only 15Gb data usage.

already using the latest version

Toggle the checkbox at MenuMeters preferences > Network > Throughput Display > Show bits per second and compare.

Show bits per second and compare.

I feel embarrassed I found this issue instead of realizing it's the units. My bandwidth is marketed to me in Mb/s so it's good Manometers shows it in these units, but it didn't click that Activity Monitor is in MB/s. I'd like to open an issue with Activity Monitor that it doesn't offer to show bandwidth in Mb/s…