
Change prompt and border=sharp

ahmadie opened this issue · 1 comments

use following code does not effect how border or prompt looks like,

let g:fzf_preview_default_fzf_options = { '--border': 'sharp', '--prompt': '>> ' }
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--prompt='>>'"
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--border=sharp --prompt=">>"'

command line fzf or fzf.vim works fine though...

please advice!

I was not aware of the Issue. Sorry about that.

I think the border is probably applied.

The prompt is overridden and applied by fzf-preview when the command is executed.
Changing this will result in a breaking change, so I'm sorry but I can't fix it.
You can use the --add-fzf-arg option to force it to be applied.

For example, :CocCommand fzf-preview.ProjectFiles --add-fzf-arg=--prompt=">>"