
action building wrong scheme instead of the specified one

angelacassanelli opened this issue · 0 comments

In my app I have two schemes: “appname-dev” and “appname”; I also have two different provisioning profiles: “appname.ios.dev” for the first one and “appname.ios.prod” for the second one.

I’ve set up the action to build “appname-dev” scheme, but it is building “appname” scheme instead.

This is my action:

      - name: Build the app
        uses: yukiarrr/ios-build-action@v1.11.0
            p12-base64: ${{ secrets.P12_BASE64 }}
            certificate-password: ${{ secrets.CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD }}
            mobileprovision-base64: |
                ${{ secrets.MOBILEPROVISION_BASE64_PROD }}
                ${{ secrets.MOBILEPROVISION_BASE64 }}
            team-id: ${{ secrets.TEAM_ID }}
            project-path: appname/appname.xcodeproj
            workspace-path: appname/appname.xcworkspace
            scheme: appname-dev
            output-path: appname-dev.ipa
            export-options: ./appname/appname/Options.plist
            build-destination: generic/platform=iOS
            increment-version-number: patch
            increment-build-number: true
            bundle-identifier: appname.ios.dev

And this is my Option.plist:

		<string>appname Prod Distribution</string>
		<string>appname Dev Distribution</string>