
Fix rustman start

yukihirop opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Refactor log for rustman start
  • Remove COLOR environment
  • Different from the options offered by foreman

root option is not supported as it is not about

$ bin/foreman help start
  foreman start [PROCESS]

  -c, [--color], [--no-color]          # Force color to be enabled
  -e, [--env=ENV]                      # Specify an environment file to load, defaults to .env
  -m, [--formation="alpha=5,bar=3"]    # Specify what processes will run and how many. Default: "all=1"
  -p, [--port=N]
  -t, [--timeout=N]                    # Specify the amount of time (in seconds) processes have to shutdown gracefully before receiving a SIGKILL, defaults to 5.
      [--timestamp], [--no-timestamp]  # Include timestamp in output
                                       # Default: true
  -f, [--procfile=PROCFILE]            # Default: Procfile
  -d, [--root=ROOT]                    # Default: Procfile directory

Start the application (or a specific PROCESS)