1. create a reddit app
go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/ and register a new app for Reddit using the following parameters.
Parameter | Value |
Type | web app |
redirect uri | your redirect uri |
description | Your own description |
about Url | Url to your own about page |
save client id and secret for future use.
2. update manifest
update link unfurling domain to
"domains": [
3. install package
npm install adaptivecards-templating
npm install axios
4. update env variables
- add reddit id and secret into .env.local and .env.local.user file:
REDDIT_ID=<your reddit id>
SECRET_REDDIT_PASSWORD=<your reddit secret>
5. update code
Add following code:
- src/redditApi/RedditAppAuthenticator.ts: the class to get Reddit api token
- src/redditApi/RedditHttpClient.ts: the class to call Reddit api
- srcredditApi/RedditLinkModel.ts: define reddit link model
- srcredditApi/RedditOptions.ts: define reddit id and password
Update following code:
- src/linkUnfurlingApp.ts:
import * as ACData from "adaptivecards-templating";
public async handleTeamsAppBasedLinkQuery(
context: TurnContext,
query: AppBasedLinkQuery
): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse> {
// When the returned card is an adaptive card, the previewCard property of the attachment is required.
const post = await this.redditClient.GetLink(query.url);
const template = new ACData.Template(helloWorldCard);
const adaptiveCard = template.expand({
$root: {
post: post,
const previewCard = CardFactory.heroCard(post.title, post.subreddit, [post.thumbnail]);
const attachment = { ...CardFactory.adaptiveCard(adaptiveCard), preview: previewCard };
return {
composeExtension: {
type: "result",
attachmentLayout: "list",
attachments: [attachment],
suggestedActions: {
actions: [
title: "default",
type: "setCachePolicy",
value: '{"type":"no-cache"}',
6. local debug
hit F5 to start local debug, past a reddit link into chatbox and see the unfurled card