1. create a reddit app

go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/ and register a new app for Reddit using the following parameters.

Parameter Value
Type web app
redirect uri your redirect uri
description Your own description
about Url Url to your own about page

save client id and secret for future use.


2. update manifest

update link unfurling domain to

  "domains": [

3. install package

npm install adaptivecards-templating

npm install axios

4. update env variables

  • add reddit id and secret into .env.local and .env.local.user file:
    REDDIT_ID=<your reddit id>
    SECRET_REDDIT_PASSWORD=<your reddit secret>

5. update code

Add following code:

  • src/redditApi/RedditAppAuthenticator.ts: the class to get Reddit api token
  • src/redditApi/RedditHttpClient.ts: the class to call Reddit api
  • srcredditApi/RedditLinkModel.ts: define reddit link model
  • srcredditApi/RedditOptions.ts: define reddit id and password

Update following code:

  • src/linkUnfurlingApp.ts:
import * as ACData from "adaptivecards-templating";
  public async handleTeamsAppBasedLinkQuery(
    context: TurnContext,
    query: AppBasedLinkQuery
  ): Promise<MessagingExtensionResponse> {
    // When the returned card is an adaptive card, the previewCard property of the attachment is required.
    const post = await this.redditClient.GetLink(query.url);
    const template = new ACData.Template(helloWorldCard);
    const adaptiveCard = template.expand({
      $root: {
        post: post,

    const previewCard = CardFactory.heroCard(post.title, post.subreddit, [post.thumbnail]);

    const attachment = { ...CardFactory.adaptiveCard(adaptiveCard), preview: previewCard };

    return {
      composeExtension: {
        type: "result",
        attachmentLayout: "list",
        attachments: [attachment],
        suggestedActions: {
          actions: [
              title: "default",
              type: "setCachePolicy",
              value: '{"type":"no-cache"}',

6. local debug

hit F5 to start local debug, past a reddit link into chatbox and see the unfurled card