
Use Capslock as HotKey

dennislaumen opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to add support for using Capslock as the HotKey? Or am I misunderstanding the UI and is this already possible?

It can, but since capslock behave differently than other keys it also don't work very nicely.

If you really want to use capslock, I suggest mapping it to a different key in OSX Settings > Keyboard > Modifier keys.
Eg: I map it to control, (but it can also be options, command, escape, etc).

@yulrizka Hi Ahmy, thanks for the quick reply. How does the above suggestion help?

I already used that setting to disable the CapsLock key as I use the CapsLock shortcut in other apps (like Discord) to do push to talk. I thought setting this on the OS level would be nicer.