
Could you please provide more run_demo.sh about other datasets?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Could you please provide more run_demo.sh about other datasets(CUB-200-2011, Flowers-102, Caltech-101, ImageNet-Subset) ?

We use lr 1e-6, 50 epochs for CUB-200-2011 (100 classes) and Caltech-101 (Fig.6). The parameters of other datasets are shown in 'Implementation Details' part of the paper.

Which 100 classes do you choose for CUB-200? First 100?
For CUB-200 and Caltech do you pre-train on the first task?
For Caltech do you pre-train on Imagenet?

We follow the LwM paper and use the first 100 for CUB-200 in Fig6.
For CUB and Caltech we use the pretrained Imagenet.