
diffbot for dbpedia

Primary LanguageScala


A bot for chronically diffing some supervised datasets.


Configuring the diffbot

  • datasets: configuration for the in the diff included datasets

    • supervised: Array of supervised datasets (must be released by the same releaser)
    • endpoint: related SPARQL-Endpoint
    • releaser: identifier of the releaser (e.g dbpedia)
  • diff: Diff related configuration

    • diffId: name of the diff
    • endpoint: related SPARQL-Endpoint
    • releaser: identifier of the releaser (in this case releaser of all the diffs, propably you)
    • version: if this param is set, the diff version is this, else its todays date
  • cnfg: system related configuration

    • mavenHome: your maven home (run mvn --version to see it)
    • localDir: the directory where the datasets and the diffs are saved (must be big enough)
    • scripts: directory with the realted scripts (needed for running it as a jar, should be redundant soon)

Getting started

Clone the repo, configure the diffbot.conf file and run

mvn clean package

to generate the jar.