
stars & the moon; galaxies & u

Primary LanguageJava

gal.jpg image drawer

gal.jpg galaxy image code milky way source code (tags lol)


remake of above pic by me you will need to download processing to run it. similiar to arduino ide

could not figure out original parameters, will need some tweaking feels kinda off

copy of the code here too so google will index it lol

made this for her

PImage pic;

void setup(){
    size(1000, 1000);
    pic = loadImage("gal.jpeg");

void draw() {

    int mountX = 300;
    int mountY = 300;

    pic.resize(mountX, mountY);

    float w = (float) width / mountX;
    float h = (float) width / mountY;

    for(int i = 0; i < mountX; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < mountY; j++) {
            color c = pic.get(i, j);
            float bri = brightness(c);

            translate(i * w, j * h);
            if (bri > 80) {
                float conf = map(bri,
                0, 255,
                0, 1);
                ellipse(0, 0, w * conf, h);