
How to use context field?

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Hi, can you please describe how to use context field in my project? Can't understand how to add data into it

Hi @atanassia - if you want to add data to it you should add a function to your Django settings called
USER_VISIT_REQUEST_CONTEXT_EXTRACTOR that takes HttpRequest as the only arg, and that returns a dict, which is stored in the context field.

e.g. this would store whether the user was a staff user:


USER_VISIT_REQUEST_CONTEXT_EXTRACTOR = lambda r: { "is_staff": r.user.is_staff }

If you want to do something more complicated that you can't achieve in a lambda, you can define the function and then just assign it to the setting:


def really_complicated_function(request: HttpRequest) -> dict:
    return { ... }

USER_VISIT_REQUEST_CONTEXT_EXTRACTOR = really_complicated_function

thank you