
unable to run the code with missing files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello. Thank you for sharing this work!

Recently, I read the README file and do as what it tells me to do. But I've got some problems when I try to run the code by python

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/SimGNN/SimGNN-master/model/Siamese/", line 48, in
File "D:/SimGNN/SimGNN-master/model/Siamese/", line 36, in main
eval = Eval(data, dist_calculator)
File "D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master\model\Siamese\", line 25, in init
row_graphs=test_gs1, col_graphs=test_gs2)
File "D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master\model\Siamese/../../src\", line 497, in load_results_as_dict
AIDS700nefData_test loaded from D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master/save/AIDS700nefData_test with 140 graphs
AIDS700nefData_train loaded from D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master/save/AIDS700nefData_train with 560 graphs
time_mat=time_mat, model_info=model_info)
File "D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master\model\Siamese/../../src\", line 506, in load_result
dataset, model, dist_mat, row_graphs, col_graphs)
File "D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master\model\Siamese/../../src\", line 162, in init
self.dist_metric(), self.model_, len(row_graphs), len(col_graphs))
File "D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master\model\Siamese/../../src\", line 238, in load_result_mat
raise RuntimeError('No results found {}'.format(file_p))
RuntimeError: No results found D:\SimGNN\SimGNN-master/result/aids700nef/ged/ged_ged_mat_aids700nef_beam1

It seems that the file /result/aids700nef/ged/ged_ged_mat_aids700nef_beam1_*.npy is missing.

But I don't figure out the right code to produce this file.

Please download and extract the result files under /result from


Thank you!