Pokevite - Vue + Vite PWA

Pokevite is a Progressive Web App (PWA) developed using Vue 3 and Vite, providing a seamless and efficient development experience. This template helps you kickstart your Vue 3 project with Vite, ensuring a fast and optimized web application.


  • Vue 3: Leverage the power of the latest Vue version for building reactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  • Vite: Enjoy a fast and optimized development environment with Vite's blazing-fast build and server.
  • PWA: Turn your application into a Progressive Web App, enhancing user experience with offline capabilities and more.
  • Recommended IDE Setup: Utilize Visual Studio Code with Volar and TypeScript Vue Plugin for an enhanced development experience.

Recommended IDE Setup

For the best development experience, it is recommended to set up your IDE as follows:

  1. VSCode: Use Visual Studio Code as your integrated development environment.
  2. Volar: Install the Volar extension for Vue 3 support.
  3. TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar): Add TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) for TypeScript support.

Customize Configuration

Take advantage of Vite's flexibility by customizing the configuration to meet your project requirements. Refer to the Vite Configuration Reference for detailed information.

Project Setup

To set up the project, run the following command:

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

During development, use the following command to compile and enable hot-reloading:

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

When ready for production, execute the following command to compile and minify the project:

npm run build

Feel free to explore and extend this Pokevite template to build powerful and responsive Vue 3 applications with the help of Vite.