
Does this method perform well on TLS point clouds?

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Hello, I am a master student from Beijing Normal University, China. I have compiled these codes successfully thanks to your detailed instruction. Then I used acquired TLS trunks as input seeds to run the GUI program. However, I got some segments/clusters which do not belong to any seed(ie. some trees are split in two or more). Having read the proposed paper, I know each point should be associated to a trunk from equation(8). So I wonder how to solve this problem.

Hi. Clusters that do not belong to any seed are "isolated" trees that were not connected to the rest of the point cloud in the 3D graph. I believe you can disable this behaviour in the Segmentation step of the Pipeline by unticking Unique labels for "no-seeds" clusters. Hope this helps

Hi. Clusters that do not belong to any seed are "isolated" trees that were not connected to the rest of the point cloud in the 3D graph. I believe you can disable this behaviour in the Segmentation step of the Pipeline by unticking Unique labels for "no-seeds" clusters. Hope this helps

Thanks for your sincere reply. I'll try it and feedback the result in time.