
Automatic solver for (Dog Bunny Puzzle)[http://www.dogbunnypuzzle.com/]

Primary LanguageScala

DogBunnyPuzzle Solver

Automated solver to the Dog Bunny Puzzle.

How to run

  1. Install sbt
  2. Run the solver with sbt's run command. i.e. run following command from the project top directory. sbt run
  3. Interpret the solution. Each line in the solution describes the puzzle state. (i.e. where bunnies and a dog is) Read each line, and move bunny or dog as the line says.


Node == puzzle state == a possible configuration of the dog and bunnies in the puzzle.

Directed edge == state transformation == a possible move from one puzzle state to another.

Enumerate possible states from previous to next and reach the goal state. When goal state reached, backtrack to produce the solution trace.


  • Modularization of the code

  • Optimization: always find the optimal solution

  • Better descripttion for the solution (i.e. sequence of "move sth. from sth. to sth.")

  • Getting the puzzle information with serialized format