
Module RCTLog is not a registered callable module

andreypaul opened this issue · 12 comments

Does not work:

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 7 - 2020-07-20 at 12 35 32

I have the same

I have the same issue.

same issue, this library can't use, close this project, please

same issue


same issue

Same as above

Seems like I am not able to replicate this issue at my end.
Can anyone share a demo code here with this same exact scenario, that would help !!!

when you install npm ,made a build and try to run it it will give error of HMRClient is not a registered callable module

@yuvraj24 This is still an issue. The Library is unusable on Android. I copied the example code in the example/App.js file and tried running it after installing the package. It results in the error HMRClient is not a registered callable module.

@Billmike it would be helpful, if you can share that demo source code with me for investigation of this issue.

Have published a new version of 1.0.9......update to the latest version now.