This code is the official implementation of Thinking Two Moves Ahead. Our implementation is based on Backdoor101.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Yuxin (
- PyTorch => 1.11.*
- torchvision >= 0.12.*
- functorch >= 0.1.1
non-IID CIFAR-10 baseline
python --name baseline --fl-sample-dirichlet --fl-no-models 10 --fl-attack-freq 0 500 100 --loss-balance fixed --fixed-scales 1 --loss-tasks backdoor --update-method avg --fl-dp-clip 0.5 --fl-attacker-local-epochs 4 --fl-local-epochs 2 --lr 0.01 --params configs/cifar_fed.yaml --epochs 2000
non-IID CIFAR-10 anticipate
python --name anticipate --anticipate --anticipate-steps 9 --fl-sample-dirichlet --fl-no-models 10 --fl-attack-freq 0 500 100 --loss-balance fixed --fixed-scales 1 --loss-tasks backdoor --update-method avg --fl-dp-clip 0.5 --fl-attacker-local-epochs 4 --fl-local-epochs 2 --lr 0.01 --params configs/cifar_fed.yaml --epochs 2000
You can view the results through running tensorboard --logdir runs