
Require single css modules

mrtnpro opened this issue · 5 comments

First of all, thanks for creating this gem, already came in very handy!

Is there a way to require or import single modules like e.g. only base and grids?
Something like this (which eventually doesn't work):

//= require 'pure-min/base'
//= require 'pure-min/grids'

If not, this is an official feature request 😉

Alright, just figured out that the following line works perfectly:

@import "pure-min/base"

Closing issue.

I'm afraid I was wrong.
@import "pure-min/base" doesn't work as I initially thought.
Reopening issue: Is there a way to import single pure modules?

Thanks to report. "Namespace" is good idea. In a few days, I will support "Namespace".

I pushed to master branch: 4af32e3.

Now, you can use two namespaces pure and pure-min.

Big thanks! Importing single css modules now works perfectly fine using e.g. //= require 'pure/base'