
Unable to read api from path

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi guys, thanks for your useful library. I got an issue when run the sample web ui on your code by run command "go run web.go docs.go". Here it is
Unable to read api 'branches' from path https://api.example.com/branches (server returned undefined)
screen shot 2016-11-26 at 01 10 54

pls help!

@congtranminh i have the same problem.Could u tell me how to fixed it ?

@ZhenyangZhao i exported to markdown format and use this format for create a doc. https://hackmd.io is very good and free to create a markdown docs. You can try it

@congtranminh thanks a lot. i had fixed it using the same way .Only different is is exported to 'swagger'.

@congtranminh Thanx a lot. i also used the markdown format and able to generate the ui for markdown format. Do you get the solution for docs.go , the swagger-ui .

@ksaubhri123 I never try to build the docs.go again after that. Markdown is good enough for me :)

@congtranminh The solution for this is to remove the basepath field in the docs.go file from the resourcelistingjson field and not from the apidescriptionjson file.