
writeHead doesn't work as expected when passing headers as second parameter

luchsamapparat opened this issue · 6 comments


first of all: thanks for providing this library!

I ran into an issue with another library where writeHead is called like this:

res.writeHead(302, {
   'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
   'Location': path

It took me some time to realize, that azure-function-express provides its own implementation of this method. It seems that there is a incompatibility, as the original one allows for the second statusMessage to be omitted as you can see in the Node documentation:

const body = 'hello world';
response.writeHead(200, {
  'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(body),
  'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });


The implementation provided by azure-function-express doesn't support this call signature:

function writeHead(context, statusCode, statusMessage, headers) {
  // 1. Status code
  statusCode |= 0; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
  if (statusCode < 100 || statusCode > 999) {
    throw new RangeError(`Invalid status code: ${statusCode}`);

  // 2. Status message
 this.statusMessage = statusMessage || statusCodes[statusCode] || "unknown";

  // 3. Headers
  if (this._headers) {
    // Slow-case: when progressive API and header fields are passed.
    if (headers) {
      const keys = Object.keys(headers);
      for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        const k = keys[i];
        if (k) {
          this.setHeader(k, headers[k]);
    // only progressive api is used
    headers = this._renderHeaders(); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign

  // 4. Sets everything
  context.res.status = statusCode;
  context.res.headers = headers;


After I fixed this issue locally, I stumbled upon another issue. The library I use, contains the following to calls:

		res.writeHead(302, null, {
			'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
			'Location': path


But when looking at the implementation of end, it seems that the status code is overwritten:

function end(context, data, encoding) {
  // 1. Write head
  this.writeHead(this.statusCode); // Make jshttp/on-headers able to trigger

  // 2. Return raw body to Azure Function runtime
  context.res.body = convertToBody(data, encoding);
  context.res.isRaw = true;

writeHead does not set this.statusCode which leads to end setting the statusCode to 200. Is this the intended behavior? In my case this means, that the Location header is ignored by the browser as the status code is not within the 3** range.

yvele commented

@luchsamapparat thank you for your investigation on this.

May I ask you what exactly is the library you are using?

I'm using oauth-shim to build an OAuth proxy according to the documentation from hello.js.

The implementation is pretty simple as you just have to configure Express.js to use oauth-shim:

const express = require("express");
const createHandler = require("azure-function-express").createHandler;
const oauthshim = require('oauth-shim');
const param = require('oauth-shim/src/utils/param');

const app = express();

app.all('/api/oauth-btg', oauthshim);

// monkey patch for writeHead issue in azure-function-express
oauthshim.redirect = function (req, res, next) {
	if (req.oauthshim && req.oauthshim.redirect) {
		let hash = req.oauthshim.data;
		let path = req.oauthshim.redirect;

		path += (hash ? '#' + param(hash) : '');

		// bugfix: always pass statusMessage as second param
		res.writeHead(302, null, {
			'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
			'Location': path

		res.statusCode = 302;
	else if (next) {

	client_id: 'XXX',
	client_secret: 'XXX',
	grant_url: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token',
	domain: 'XXX'

module.exports = createHandler(app);

maybe it's me but i cannot get this call to this._renderHeaders() here:


where does _renderHeaders() come from ? (not in the azure-functions response object)
my app crashes with a NPE just there.

yvele commented

@gunzip what version of Node.js are you using? Because it's only compatible with 6.x.x

@yvele you were right, it depends on node version (it works against 6.x)