
Automate version bumps

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It would be great if version bumps could be handled when creating the build in GitHub instead of having to do version bumps manually with npm.


Create a custom GitHub Action forked from paulhatch/semantic-version (https://github.com/marketplace/actions/git-semantic-version) that takes a github_token.

            - name: Version bump
              uses: paulhatch/semantic-version@v2
                branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}
                # A string which, if present in a git commit, indicates that a change represents a major change
                major_pattern: "(MAJOR)"
                # Same as above except indicating a minor change
                minor_pattern: "(MINOR)"
                # A string to determine the format of the version output
                format: "${major}.${minor}.${patch}"
                github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}