
Move PR template to .github folder

Closed this issue · 11 comments


Describe the problem related to this feature request.

When non-functional updates are brought to the library, it's not relevant to have the checklist about making sure that the library builds, that tests pass, and so forth.


What solution do you suggest to solve this problem?

Create a simpler template asking the user to describe the changes in the PR without the checklist.

@yvesgurcan PR template as in a HTML template or just a .md template?

@GlobeFire Absolutely! There is a Markdown template for PRs here: https://github.com/yvesgurcan/web-midi-player/blob/master/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not possible or desirable to have multiple PR templates in GitHub. Therefore, I suggest that you simply move the existing template inside the .github directory. What do you think?

Hello @yvesgurcan , I am a first-timer contributor and would love to solve this issue. But, I am a little confused as to what I should do here. Or has the issue already been solved?

hey, @theOpetunde you are welcome to solve the issue. I am looking for a solution. If you find it feel free to make the PR.

@GlobeFire Absolutely! There is a Markdown template for PRs here: https://github.com/yvesgurcan/web-midi-player/blob/master/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not possible or desirable to have multiple PR templates in GitHub. Therefore, I suggest that you simply move the existing template inside the .github directory. What do you think?

Hey @yvesgurcan, sure sounds good. Just to make it clear, you are suggesting that https://github.com/yvesgurcan/web-midi-player/blob/master/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE
this template should be pushed to the .github folder?

Hey @GlobeFire and @theOpetunde,
Yes, since it is not possible to have multiple PR templates in GitHub, we can change the issue to simply moving ./PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE to .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE. Feel free to fork the project and open a pull request to do that! I will update the title of the issue.

@yvesgurcan Thank you for the explanation

@theOpetunde since this is your first time, you make a PR.
@yvesgurcan is there any other issue I can work on?

Thank you @GlobeFire. You're very kind

@yvesgurcan I have made a PR to solve the issue. Please check if I am correct and your feedback will be appreciated.

Great job @theOpetunde! I've approved and merged your PR.

@GlobeFire, there's plenty to do! If you want to keep working on good first issues, you can always look here: https://github.com/yvesgurcan/web-midi-player/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22.

More specifically, you are more than welcome to open a PR for #47 or #38.

If you're feeling more adventurous and want to write some code in React, there's also #12 . Let me know if you need help running the example on your machine.

Thanks @yvesgurcan, I would love to work on the react issue. I'll try to run the example if required I will ping you.