
DREEM post processing add info

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to DREEM-PPAI (Post-Processing, Add Info)

This repo takes the output of Scott Grote's DREEM and adds additional data such as:

  • per-sample information, such as the temperature or the cell line used.
  • a library (per-construct information), such as the regions of interest in each construct (called sections), constructs families, etc.
  • RNAstructure predictions for structure and free energy of each sequence.
  • Poisson confidence intervals for mutation rates.


  • RNAstructure (otherwise deactivate this option in the config file).
  • Python packages described in requirements.txt.


dreem-ppai is available on PyPi:

pip install dreem-ppai

You can also clone this repo and run:

cd path/to/where/you/want/dreem-ppai
git clone https://github.com/yvesmartindestaillades/dreem-ppai
cd dreem-ppai
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Test installation

Add RNAstructure path to test/config.yml:

gedit test/config.yml

Edit path:

# RNAstructure options
# ---------------------
    path:  /Users/ymdt/src/RNAstructure/exe #where is RNAstructure installed

Then run:

python3 dreem-ppai/run.py

Run dreem-ppai

Create a config file

Download templates/config.yml.

Give DREEM output csv files

Organize your csv files in your file explorer

If all of your csv files were processed on DREEM using the same fasta file, your csv files organization should look like this:

|- /[path_to_folder]
     |- [your_sample_1].csv
     |- [your_sample_2].csv
     |- [your_sample_3].csv
     |- [your_sample_4].csv
     |- ...

If you used different fasta files, group your samples by mother fasta files and run dreem-ppai multiple times:

|- /[path_to_folder_1]
     |- [your_sample_1].csv
     |- [your_sample_2].csv
     |- samples.csv
     |- library_folder_1.csv
|- /[path_to_folder_2]
     |- [your_sample_3].csv
     |- [your_sample_4].csv
     |- samples.csv
     |- library_folder_2.csv  
     |- ...

Define where your folder is

Fill out this part of the template:

# Where to find your DREEM output files 
# -------------------------------------
# This is the path to the directory where your DREEM output files are stored.
# The folder should be organized as follows:
# /path_to_dreem_output_files
#   |- [your_sample_1].csv
#   |- [your_sample_2].csv
#   |- [your_sample_3].csv
#   ...

path_to_dreem_output_files: /Users/ymdt/src/dreem-ppai/output_DREEM_mh

Name which samples to use in config file

Fill out this part of the template:

# The samples that you want to process today
# ------------------------------------------
# These names must correspond to
#     - the sample column in samples.csv
#     - the name of your data folders
# Example:
# - [your_sample_1]
# - [your_sample_2]
# - [your_sample_3]

- 3UTR
- 5UTR

Define where to store the output files

Fill out this part of the template:

# Where to store the results
# --------------------------
path_output: /Users/ymdt/src/dreem-ppai/output_DREEM_mh

Add per-sample data

Mandatory inputs

dreem-ppai requires you to add the following mandatory informations for each samples, under the form of a csv file named samples.csv. Depending on exp_env, you also need to add buffer or cell_line.

    - user # Who did the experiment
    - date # Date of the experiment
    - exp_env # Experimental environment, in_vivo or in_vitro
    - temperature_k # Temperature en KelvIN
    - inc_time_tot_secs # Total incubation time in seconds
    - DMS_conc_mM # Concentration of DMS in mM

    - buffer  # Exact buffer including Mg, eg 300mM Sodium Cacodylate , 3mM Mg

    - cell_line # Cell line

Download a template

Download templates/samples.csv.

The template looks like this:

sample user date exp_env temperature_k inc_time_tot_secs DMS_conc_mM buffer option1 option2

Add optional per-sample data

Add columns to the csv file such as option1 and option2 in the template above.

Store the file in your samples folder

|- /[path_to_folder]
     |- samples.csv
     |- [your_sample_1].csv
     |- [your_sample_2].csv
     |- [your_sample_3].csv
     |- [your_sample_4].csv
     |- ...

Activate the option in the template

# Add info: add the uncommented lines to your DREEM outputs files
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
     samples: True       # Add the content of samples.csv

Add library.csv

Download a template

Download templates/library.csv.

What's in library.csv

Library attributes are per-construct attributes, a construct being a name associated with a sequence, such as a line of your fasta file.


  • sections (regions of interest for this construct)
  • sub-group (divide your constructs into sub-groups)
  • barcode (enter the barcode associated with each construct)

About sections

Sections are defined by 3 columns:

  • section_name
  • section_start (1-indexed)
  • section_stop (1-indexed, included)

When creating a section, all per-residue attributes (mutation rates, base coverage, etc) will be associated with the indexed defined by [section_start,section_stop]. If you want to have the full construct and also a section from this construct, you need to add a line for the construct without the section part.

/!\ Constructs that aren't in the library won't be saved in the output csv



construct section_name section_start section_stop is_region
my_construct_1 not_a_region
my_construct_1 MS2 19 42 is_a_region
my_construct_1 LAH 67 81 is_a_region
my_construct_2 not_a_region
my_construct_3 LAH 73 90 is_a_region
my_construct_3 MS2 19 42 is_a_region


sample construct section_name mut_rates cov_bases is_region
my_sample my_construct_1 full [all mut rates] [all cov_bases] not_a_region
my_sample my_construct_1 MS2 [mut rates for MS2] [cov_bases for MS2] is_a_region
my_sample my_construct_1 LAH [mut rates for LAH] [cov bases for LAH] is_a_region
my_sample my_construct_2 full [all mut rates] [all cov_bases] not_a_region
my_sample my_construct_3 LAH [mut rates for LAH] [cov bases for LAH] is_a_region
my_sample my_construct_3 MS2 [mut rates for MS2] [cov_bases for MS2] is_a_region

Store the file in your samples folder

|- /[path_to_folder]
     |- samples.csv
     |- library.csv
     |- [your_sample_1].csv
     |- [your_sample_2].csv
     |- [your_sample_3].csv
     |- [your_sample_4].csv
     |- ...

Activate the option in the template

# Add info: add the uncommented lines to your DREEM outputs files
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
     samples: True       # Add the content of samples.csv
     library: True       # Add the content of library.csv

Add RNAstructure predictions

What infos are given by RNAstructure

RNAstructure predictions are:

  • structure
  • free energy (deltaG)

The predictions are be done using:

  • with/without temperature (if option set to True in the config file)
  • with/without DMS signal as a constraint (set upper/lowerbounds for mutation probability normalization in the config file)

Edit path and options in the config file

# RNAstructure options
# ---------------------
    path:  /Users/ymdt/src/RNAstructure/exe #where is RNAstructure installed
    temperature: False           # Use samples.csv col 'temperature_k' as an input for RNAstructure
    suffix_fold_cmd: ''          # Additional input to add to the RNAstructure 'Fold' command      
    # for using DMS signal as an input in the argument 
    max_paired_mut_rate: 0.01    # below this value, 0% of the bases are unpaired
    min_unpaired_mut_rate: 0.05  # above this value, 100% of the bases are unpaired
    max_process: 64 # the maximum number of simultaneous Python subprocess when running RNAstructure

Activate the option in the template

# Add info: add the uncommented lines to your DREEM outputs files
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
     samples: True       # Add the content of samples.csv
     library: True       # Add the content of library.csv
     rnastructure: True   # Add RNAstructure

About RNAstructure

RNAstructure is a software from Prof. Mathews' lab. It predicts the structure of a RNA molecule and its thermodynamic energy based on Turner rules.


This is used to compute a confidence interval for each mutation rate of the population average.


For each residue of a sequence, we model the probability of mutation by a binomial law. We approximate this binomial law by a Poisson distribution (Montgomery, 2001), and we use Poisson's confidence interval to compute a confidence interval for each residue of our population average.

The formula is the following:

Poisson confidence interval formula

A fully detailed document is available here.

Activate the option in the template

# Add info: add the uncommented lines to your DREEM outputs files
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
     samples: True       # Add the content of samples.csv
     library: True       # Add the content of library.csv
     rnastructure: True   # Add RNAstructure
     poisson: True       # Add Poisson confidence interval


>>> from dreem-ppai import run
>>> run.run(config='config.yaml')

A few cool additional features

Export to csv / json

Export your pickle files to a csv or a json format by editing to_CSV or to_JSON in the config file.

Verbose mode

Set verbose to True to get more informations in your terminal.

Run csv files with multiple fasta files

If you used different fasta files, group your samples by mother fasta files:

|- /[path_to_folder_1]
     |- [your_sample_1].csv
     |- [your_sample_2].csv
     |- samples.csv
     |- library_folder_1.csv
|- /[path_to_folder_2]
     |- [your_sample_3].csv
     |- [your_sample_4].csv
     |- samples.csv
     |- library_folder_2.csv  
     |- ...

Thanks for reading. Please contact me at yves@martin.yt for any additional information or to contribute.