Components within HTML string view pattern
tvardy opened this issue · 4 comments
I have a very simple component:
import { app, Component } from 'apprun/dist/apprun-html.esm.js'
export default class Simple extends Component {
view = (state) => `<pre>state: ${JSON.stringify(state)}</pre>`
How can I render it within my test app using the HTML string vue pattern:
import SimpleComponent from './Simple.js';
const state = 'Hello';
const view = state => {
return `<div>
<!-- Want to put my component here -->
app.start('my-app', state, view);
You can make custom element/web components.
import SimpleComponent from './Simple.js';
app.webComponent('my-component', SimpleComponent);
const state = 'Hello';
const view = state => {
return `<div>
<my-component />
app.start('my-app', state, view);
It didn't want to work at the beginning. Then I prepared a demo to demonstrate the issue and... it worked well. It appears that AppRun didn't like to work with ESbuild. But I managed to configure ESbuild to use JSX with AppRun
I have an example of esbuild:
You can also try:
npx apprun --init --spa --esbuild
Yes... And it uses the JSX syntax, which I was trying to avoid at the beginning. That's why I asked about the way to use the tagged templates... 'cause I couldn't make it running myself...
For a moment It worked this way that if I'd put 2 components:
<my-component />
<my-component />
then the second one worked and displayed.
I'm not sure yet, but I think it might be related with a wrong handling of the "self closing tag" syntax. But I'm not sure yet. If I find some time to investigate, I certainly will and then... after maybe some more findings I'll file a bug ticket here.
Thank you very much for the help so far.