
Webcomponent example from https://apprun.js.org/ fails

StefanLiebig opened this issue · 4 comments

I naively pasted the web component example (https://apprun.js.org/) into a somefile.html and than opened it with the browser.
The counter and the buttons will be displayed but clicking the buttons does not have an effect. In the console log I see an error when loading the html:

TypeError: this._component.mounted is not a function

and when clicking the buttons I get:

TypeError: counter.run is not a function

There is probably something that I am missing.

yysun commented

There was an error 1.20.0/2.20.0 release. It is now fixed (cdbd098). Please try again.

Great now it works. Thanks!

My next attempt was to reuse the web component by creating a second element to get two independent working counters.

  <my-app id='counter'></my-app>
  <my-app id='counter2'></my-app>

But this does not work as expected. There are now two counters but they are - of course - not independent.
Can the template string approach in the example extended so that it works?

yysun commented

Yes, please take a look at this example:


I think that should be part of the web site.

Is that correct?

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Counter as web component</title>
  <my-app id='counter1'></my-app>
  <my-app id='counter2'></my-app>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/custom-elements/1.1.2/custom-elements.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/apprun@es6/dist/apprun-html.js"></script>
    class Counter extends Component {
      constructor({id}) {
        this.state = 0;
        this.view = state => `<div>
          <button onclick='${id}.run("-1")'>-1</button>
          <button onclick='${id}.run("+1")'>+1</button>
        this.update = {
          '+1': state => state + 1,
          '-1': state => state - 1
    app.webComponent('my-app', Counter);