
Syntax errors while running script to extract data

divija96 opened this issue · 4 comments

I get the following error while running the first script to extract the data:

[dnagaraj@tir crfsrl]$ bash scripts/conll05.sh PTB=/projects/tir1/corpora/treebank_3 SRL=data
PTB: /projects/tir1/corpora/treebank_3
SRL: data
Extracting evaluation files
Converting data/conll05/train.prop to conllu format
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 30
rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}'))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Converting data/conll05/dev.prop to conllu format
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 30
rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}'))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Converting data/conll05/test.prop to conllu format
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 30
rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}'))

Please could you let me know why this is the case and what should I do to resolve this error.
Thanks in advance :)

Hi, could you check your python version? I encountered this error under py27.
Please make sure that your environment is python>=3.6.

Thanks for getting back :)
I changed the python version to 3.6.
Still getting an error in the same line:
0%|▏ | 49/59100 [00:01<31:21, 31.39it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 80, in
process(args.prop, args.file)
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 65, in process
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 54, in prop2conllu
roles = build_roles(spans, len(words))
File "scripts/prop2conllu.py", line 30, in build_roles
rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B{label}'))
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'tuple' and 'int'

Could you provide me some examples in the processed prop file. I speculate there might be some errors.

Here's an example from train.prop:

-                       *               *               *        (AM-LOC*      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
revitalize            (V*)           (A0*               *               *      
-                    (A1*)              *)              *               *      
take                    *             (V*)              *               *      
-                       *            (A1*               *               *      
-                       *               *)              *               *      
-                       *        (AM-LOC*               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *)              *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *)     
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *            (A1*            (A1*      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *)              *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
play                    *               *             (V*)              *      
-                       *               *            (A0*               *      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *)              *      
-                       *               *               *               *)     
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *        (AM-MNR*)     
attribute               *               *               *             (V*)     
-                       *               *               *            (A2*      
-                       *               *               *               *      
-                       *               *               *               *)     
-                       *               *               *               *