
Run adaptive clustering on pointcloud2 from Ouster

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am running my sensor or lets say bag file. I have following topics;


When I run following command it doesn't show anyting on rviz

roslaunch adaptive_clustering adaptive_clustering.launch
I am sure I have to tell the launch file the node of pointcloud which is /ouster/points. How can I do it please?

Hi, my first guess was that the "Fixed Frame" (by default "velodyne") should be modified according to the ouster lidar in RViz, But maybe what you need is this: <remap from="/velodyne_points" to=" /ouster/points"/>

I am able to run now. Here is the solution. Since I am running bag file, therefore, I can easily change the topic name as desired by the package.

rosbag play my_bag.bag /ouster/points:=/veldyne_points

as you suggested too that in rivz file I should change the fixed frame.