
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0



The problem

Based on this 👇 (and other similar posts but I can't find them) I think we need a format similar to RSS/ATOM so people can use a more private platform (e.g. their websites) to publish and share notes.

I've decided to start publishing my random notes: https://nadiaeghbal.com/notes/

Updated monthly. Expect thoughts on governance, reputation, tech culture...and weird art ideas, sometimes? Basically whatever I scribble down while half-asleep at 4am.

-- By Nadia

The Proposal

See the specification draft.


Our goal is to support authors to publish short posts anywhere without being locked in a single platform while providing an easy way for others interested to follow their publishing.

Typically we aim to support these kinds of content:

  • Short (more or less a tweet size ), plain text only, untitled, posts.
  • Posts with only images or videos.
  • Mix of above.


I don't know. Do you have a suggestion? let me know


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Except where otherwise noted, This work is licensed under a CC BY license.