
Using apiKey auth, how do you hide routes that need the key?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have the following in an app

server.register(require('hapi-auth-bearer-token'), (err) => {
        server.auth.strategy('simple', 'bearer-access-token', {
            allowQueryToken: true,              // optional, true by default
            allowMultipleHeaders: false,        // optional, false by default
            accessTokenName: 'apiKey',    // optional, 'access_token' by default
            validateFunc: ( apiKey, callback ) => {
                // For convenience, the request object can be accessed
                // from `this` within validateFunc.
                var request = this;

                // Use a real strategy here,
                // comparing with a token from your database for example
                if(apiKey === "1234") callback(null, true, { user: 'delaney', roles:['admin']});
                else callback(Boom.badRequest(`you aren't allowed silly`));

And it will get called properly, but if the wrong apiKey is used in the ui, you can still see routes that use the auth. Any ideas?

Currently theres no filtering based on authorization. Feel free to propose something..

Would something like checking the route's config.auth key be enough? If it exists put a 'authorization required' on heading div?