
Second kill boss

Opened this issue · 12 comments

There are many skills that can kill the boss. What should I do

In addition, I would like to ask about the discord channel of this module

Hi, you can prevent players from using certain moves by putting them in the restraints config file.

嗨,您可以通过将某些动作放入约束配置文件来阻止玩家使用某些动作。 https://discord.gg/HjnWBG3c

Sorry, I don't know how to limit it. I am using the instructions made by others for me, but he can't help me now

/raids create Swampert form:1 nature:adamant customtexture:terra lvl:100 --size=7 --dynamax=false --stats=[25000,481,1500,335,1350,100] --moves=[earthquake,waterfall,ice_punch,superpower] --capacity-restraint=50 --cooldown-restraint=10 --rewards=rewarfboss --world=spawn --location[76,71,-2572] --rotation=0

/raids create Swampert form:1 nature:adamant customtexture:terra lvl:100 --size=7 --dynamax=false --stats=[25000,481,1500,335,1350,100] --moves=[earthquake,瀑布,ice_punch,superpower] --capacity-restraint=50 --cooldown-restraint=10 --rewards=rewarfboss --world=spawn --location[76,71,-2572] --rotation=0

This is what I am using now

Go to config/remoraids/restraints.conf.
On top, you'll see this:
`disabled-moves {

# Details the list of moves that the raid boss should be unable to use
raid-boss = [
    "Aqua Ring",
    "Shore Up",

# Details the list of moves that the player should be unable to use
player = [
    "Pain Split",
    "Leech Seed",
    "Perish Song",
"Stored Power",
    "Fire Spin",
    "Nature\u0027s Madness"

You can add as many moves as you want

转到 config/remoraids/restraints.conf。 在顶部,您会看到: `disabled-moves {

# Details the list of moves that the raid boss should be unable to use
raid-boss = [
    "Aqua Ring",
    "Shore Up",

# Details the list of moves that the player should be unable to use
player = [
    "Pain Split",
    "Leech Seed",
    "Perish Song",
"Stored Power",
    "Fire Spin",
    "Nature\u0027s Madness"


I restricted a lot of actions, but there are still players who can kill the boss instantly

Then you should restrict more moves. There are many moves and abilities and statuses that can kill the boss fast

disabled-moves {

# Details the list of moves that the raid boss should be unable to use
raid-boss = [
    "Aqua Ring",
    "Shore Up",

# Details the list of moves that the player should be unable to use
player = [
    "Pain Split",
    "Leech Seed",
    "Perish Song",
    "Fire Spin",
    "Nature\u0027s Madness",
    "Super Fang",
    "Sheer Cold",
    "Horn Drill",
    "Power Swap",
    "Guard Swap",
    "Heal Pulse",
    "Floral Healing",
    "Spiky Shield",
    "Destiny Bond",
    "Poison Gas",
    "Grass Whistle",
    "Lovely Kiss",
    "Poison Powder",
    "Psycho Shift",
    "Skill Swap",
    "Stun Spore",
    "Thunder Wave",
    "Magma Storm",
    "Sand Tomb",
    "Sleep Talk",
	"Guard Split",
	"Power Split",
	"Dry Skin",
	"Skill Swap",
	"Solar Power",
	"Metal Burst",
	"Foul Play",
	"Sand Tomb",
	"Snap Trap"


There are many features that can instantly kill the boss. Is there a more direct way to restrict players from instantly killing the boss

There are many features that can instantly kill the boss. Is there a more direct way to restrict players from instantly killing the boss

There isn't. This is as bare bones as it can be and it's up to the server owner to restrict or allow whatever they want



All right, thank you