
Heavy extension + *.create coming up -- Do I need to create a new project or can I fork?

moudsen opened this issue · 2 comments


I've adopted your package and I'm extending it heavily with additional fields from Zabbix objects to make the library suitable for a project I'm working in. I would like to feed my work back into your code library.

Apart from this my intention is to also create the functions to CREATE items, starting with Groups, Hosts, Items, Triggers, Graphs and Screens possibly extending to other items as well.

Question here is: do I need start a new GIT project or are you open for updates on this library via pull requests? (merely checking if this project is still alive?)

Regards, Mark

Update 2021/11/07

  • Session is now capable of handling CREATE. Tested succesfully on ITEM.
  • Added HOSTINTERFACE object (raw version)
  • Extended ITEM to handle ITEM.CREATE. (inclusive inclusive JSON to handle CREATE)
  • Revised HOST (inclusive JSON to handle CREATE)
  • Added TEMPLATE object (raw version)
    Extending and refining code, but committed to my fork already for those interested.

I've now worked a while to get this going and have decided to take a different path to get this working as the translation/complexity to keep up with Zabbix changes (especially from v5.4 onwards) is something that cannot be covered with static definitions.
Hence my work stops here.