
Feature request - default index_sso.php page

Zablove opened this issue · 3 comments


By default, apache and nginx open the index.php page. However, we have a large user base and they all open now the zabbix URL, then need to click "Sign in with Single Sign-On (SAML)" and then will be redirected to SSO login.
This results in a lot of clicks per year and a lot of (wasted) time.


Implement a variable at the zabbix-web containers that will change the default page index.php in apache or nginx.


Create a new variable SSO_DEFAULT_LOGIN that, when enabled, will change the configuration of apache or nginx to use the default page index_sso.php in stead of index.php

Added HTTP_INDEX_FILE variable. Will be available in images quite soon. Thank you!

I can also confirm that this solution works. Thank you!

If I don't set the variable at all when building the container, the built-in apache ssl config sets DirectoryIndex to {HTTP_INDEX_FILE} and make browsing to the webroot display the default apache page.

EDIT: Very new to docker here, so admittedly I don't even know how to set the variable...I just found this issue when updating from zabbix-web-apache-mysql:ol-6.4.10 to zabbix-web-apache-mysql:ol-6.4.11