
Changing airplane mode settings might mess BT up

Mrnofish opened this issue · 0 comments

I ran into a bizarre problem after changing the settings for Airplane Mode using Tuner. I had good luck tweaking airplane_mode_radios using ADB in previous Android versions, so I thought this was going to be innocuous.

Instead, the Bluetooth tile stopped working correctly while in Airplane Mode, making impossible to toggle its state, and the Settings app started crashing like there's no tomorrow, filling up my logcat.

Through trial and error I came up with the 'shotgun approach' procedure described here.

I realize making changes with Tuner is strictly a caveat emptor endeavor, however I thought this might be worth sharing as it may give people a headache and, in a certain light, it could be seen as an issue with the Tuner.

This has been confirmed to be a problem from at least another person and they found an alternative solution that works for them.