
A rails application template for web apps.


rails new [app_name] --skip-test-unit -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zacharywelch/rails-template/master/template.rb

What it does

  1. Adds the following gems
  1. Runs bundle

  2. Runs the following generators

  • rspec:install
  1. Configures rspec to exclude view, route, and controller specs

  2. Configures New Relic

  3. Configures Code Climate

  4. Configures lograge and fluentd, to be consummed from Sumo Logic

  5. Creates sample config files and git ignores the original ones

  • config/database.yml
  • config/secrets.yml
  1. Replaces README with markdown

  2. Customizes .gitignore file

  3. Creates initial github commit

Additional steps

Code Climate

Replace the badge placeholders in README.md with the markdown snippets from Code Climate.


Replace the badge placeholders in README.md with the markdown snippets from TeamCity.