
Overall your scss is far away from material guidelines and ionic guidelines for customization

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. the header size 44px vs 56px
  2. the buttons sizes in the header
  3. the icons sizes
  4. the list items
  5. the complex list items
  6. etc etc.

I feel like it is going on my way all the time trying to implement fully material design.
If you want to change how ionic looks, you could choose less destructive way, for example classes with your customization properties.

I'm looking forward when you are ready to ship a production ready library for ionic that implements Material design. I hope my notes will be taken into consideration.

@talamaska check out it's a work in progress but RC-1 be released on 31st August.

It uses Google Material Design Lite and Ionic directly so you don't need to add custom directives or styles.

After I checked it out and waited for some time something to be released, I finally decided to make pull requests. I already did #165 and #167
I'm working on merging my scss changes to the ionic-materials one. I'll submit new pull request in a couple of days. I might be adding Material icons from It's an additional font with icons, but this is the easiest way to get them, without having to replace all the ionic icons codes. I'm using them like this "icon zmdi zmdi-camera"