
Animation: ionicMaterialMotion.ripple() causing error

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I am getting:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined(anonymous function) @ _motion.js:370

when trying to call ionicMaterialMotion.ripple() on button click. The same error occurs when I try to call it on controller initialization.

ionicMaterialInk, ionicMaterialMotion are injected in to my controller with no errors.

Getting the same error. May be ionic-meterial is not compatible with new version of ionic. I am also getting other errors. For ex: my header and icons are gone after adding ionic-material.

Mine are too...didn't think about the version number.

I am using Ionic 1.0.0

Have same issue. Anyone knows how fix this issue?

See this issue: #43

There I explain where the error stems from and how to get around it.

i have faced same issue .But didn't solved.