
A fun application to recognize celebrities in an image using AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge combining the patterns of orchestration and choreography.


This is for demonstrating AWS Step Functions with SDK integrations!

In this demo, the SAM Template shows how the State Machines could use SDK integrations with Amazon Rekognition and Amazon DynamoDB to create Serverless orchestration of Recognizing a celebrity from an image uploaded to S3.

You can read more about it in my blog-post - https://dev.to/aws-builders/why-aws-step-functions-and-sdk-integrations-4eeh

This was presented at AWS APAC Community Summit '22, Bangkok. You can view the slide-deck.

How to try it?

Clone the project

With AWS SAM CLI pre-installed, build the SAM app with

sam build

Deploy to your AWS Account with

sam deploy --guided

Once you have tried it out, don't forget to delete with

sam delete