Several failing tests
Closed this issue · 4 comments
It seems that several tests are failing.
Time: 9.81 seconds, Memory: 20.00MB
There were 12 errors:
Some of them are due to:
[PDOException] SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'password' at row 1
Then there are other 5 failing tests that seem to be more serious. Could you please check and fix them?
Which tests are broken? What environment are you running the tests in?
I am using my dev environment. I ran composer install, setup .env and app/config/config.php file but I get a error and some fails.
It might be that I am missing something of course!
The only error I get is:
[PDOException] SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'password' at row 1
so might it be that a migration contains a too short password field definition, or a seeder creates a too long password value?
Failing tests:
There were 5 failures:
1) ConfigTest: User_can_set_multi_dimension_config_path
Test tests/unit/ConfigTest.php:user_can_set_multi_dimension_config_path
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
- Expected | + Actual
@@ @@
#1 /.../yarak/tests/unit/ConfigTest.php:191
#2 Yarak\tests\unit\ConfigTest->user_can_set_multi_dimension_config_path
2) DBSeedTest: Db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_with_simple_seeder
Test tests/functional/DBSeedTest.php:db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_with_simple_seeder
Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 5.
#1 /.../yarak/tests/_support/Helper/Assertations.php:78
#2 Helper\Assertations->assertTablesCount
#3 /.../yarak/tests/_support/_generated/FunctionalTesterActions.php:3255
#4 /.../yarak/tests/functional/DBSeedTest.php:31
#5 Yarak\tests\functional\DBSeedTest->db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_with_simple_seeder
3) DBSeedTest: Db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_using_call_method
Test tests/functional/DBSeedTest.php:db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_using_call_method
Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 5.
#1 /.../yarak/tests/_support/Helper/Assertations.php:78
#2 Helper\Assertations->assertTablesCount
#3 /.../yarak/tests/_support/_generated/FunctionalTesterActions.php:3255
#4 /.../yarak/tests/functional/DBSeedTest.php:43
#5 Yarak\tests\functional\DBSeedTest->db_seed_command_seeds_the_database_using_call_method
4) MigrateRefreshTest: Migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_after_refresh
Test tests/functional/MigrateRefreshTest.php:migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_after_refresh
Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 5.
#1 /.../yarak/tests/_support/Helper/Assertations.php:78
#2 Helper\Assertations->assertTablesCount
#3 /.../yarak/tests/_support/_generated/FunctionalTesterActions.php:3255
#4 /.../yarak/tests/functional/MigrateRefreshTest.php:75
#5 Yarak\tests\functional\MigrateRefreshTest->migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_after_refresh
5) MigrateRefreshTest: Migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_with_specified_class
Test tests/functional/MigrateRefreshTest.php:migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_with_specified_class
Failed asserting that actual size 0 matches expected size 5.
#1 /.../yarak/tests/_support/Helper/Assertations.php:78
#2 Helper\Assertations->assertTablesCount
#3 /.../yarak/tests/_support/_generated/FunctionalTesterActions.php:3255
#4 /.../yarak/tests/functional/MigrateRefreshTest.php:96
#5 Yarak\tests\functional\MigrateRefreshTest->migrate_refresh_command_seeds_the_database_with_specified_class
The first test is failing because it expects (I think) the db password to be 'password', but I changed it in the conf files.
Tests: 146, Assertions: 420, Errors: 12, Failures: 5
How many characters is your password? The test user migration password field size is 40.
My password? Below 20, even because it is a local db password so not really needed to be secure.