
peers always drop, until only localhost remain

Closed this issue · 5 comments

always flooding

could not get block 7598 from peer [-7,[-7,159,69,196,83],8080]
could not get block 7647 from peer [-7,[-7,163,172,105,48],8080]

and eventually goes

sync died!
sync died! 

As a result, api:height() always looses its track.

Adding them back from time to time does not help much

[sync:stop(), peers:add([{{168,62,52,179},8080}, {{51,15,69,135},8080}, {{150,109,104,200},8080}, {{221,10,135,34},8080}]), sync:start()].

Dies again very soon (in seconds)

> [length(peers:all()), sync:status ()].           

Are you in sync mode normal?
How many blocks does it download before it gets stuck?

Normal mode.

  • How many blocks does it download before it gets stuck?
    sometimes 0, or if with luck, all the way up to chain height.

Restarting sync sometimes works. Like this:

[sync:stop(), sync_mode:normal(), sync:get_headers({{163,172,71,65},8080}), peers:add([{{168,62,52,179},8080}, {{51,15,69,135},8080}]), sync:start()].
(amoveo_core_prod@host)6> could not get block 39603 from p(amoveo_core_prod@host)6> sync:get_headers({{163,172,71,65},8080}).
(amoveo_core_prod@host)7> could not get block 39603 from peer [-7,[-7,139,59,144,76],8080]could not get block 39603 from peer [-7,[-7,45,77,8,119],8080]could not get block 39603 from peer [-7,[-7,159,65,120,84],8080]could not get block 39603 from (amoveo_core_prod@host)7> 
(amoveo_core_prod@host)7> peers:all().could not get block 39603 from peer [-7,[-7,159,65,108,112],8080]

additional info,

block:height() stuck at 39503 but it's trying to get block 39603

15> [block:height(), api:height()]. 
16> could not get block 39603 from peer [-7,[-7,159,89,106,253],8080]

Dig deeper

% find blocks -type f | wc
  39504   39504 2289111

It's really stuck in 39503 but why the error message says 39599, 39603??

And a question. How can I purge all peers quickly, then I can restart sync from a seed node?

It appears NAT related.
Don't switch to sync mode normal until you already synced the blocks.