Perfect Documentation Library 简体中文
This library contains all the reference documentation and API reference-related material you need to run and use Perfect.
We have transitioned to using JIRA for dealing with all pull requests, bugs, and any other support-related issues. Therefore, the GitHub "issues" tab has been disabled.
If you find a bug, or have a helpful suggestion to improve this documentation, please raise it.
Before you do, please view a comprehensive list of all open issues.
We welcome all contributions to and recommendations for improving the Perfect documentation. We welcome contributions to Perfect’s documentation. If you spot a typo, bug, or other errata, or have additions or suggestions to recommend, please create a pull request or log an issue in JIRA.
We have a system, written with Perfect, that picks up markdown files dynamically from this repository and incorporates them in an HTML docs site. This system will go live shortly.
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Getting Started From Scratch
- An HTTP and Web Services Primer
- Repository Layout
- Building with Swift Package Manager
- Handling Requests
- WebSockets
- Utilities
- Database Connectors
- iOS Notifications @kjessup
- Deployment
- Ubuntu 15.10
- Docker
- Heroku
- Azure
- Linode
- Digital Ocean
- Platform specific Notes
StORM is not distributed as a project, however the Perfect libraries are integral to it's operation, and some authors are common.
Turnstile is an Open Source project from Stormpath focussing on standardizing authentication across platforms and frameworks. Thanks to work done by Edward Jiang on Turnstile and a foundation linking Turnstile with Perfect, an authentication layer is available for Perfect.