
Many items have the wrong resource name?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I'm not sure if this is correct, but it seems like there are many items with the wrong "identifiedResourceName" in this translation project such as CD in mouth "ÀÔ¿¡¹«´ÂÄÞÆÑÆ®µð½ºÅ©" or Stunner Shades "ºí¶óÀεå¾È°æ".
These resource names don't show up in any data.grf I've ever loaded into a grf editor, whether it's data from 2012, or updated data from 2016.
When in game, it gives a resource error and cannot find the corresponding data for certain items.

I'm unable to reproduce your issue,
like the other open issue that have no feedback until now.
I believe its because of localization issue with your PC which is unable to read the fonts inside grf/lua.
If you unable to find the files inside kRO's data.grf, you can add this

These are mine, no issue so far:
Cd in Mouth

Stunner Glasses

Can I see your screen shot of the itemInfo files?

Because of no feedback for years, I'll now close this issue.
Feel free to open new issue if issue still presents with current files