
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Deno Deploy serverless function for executing Fend queries.

How to use

  1. In Firefox, install this extention and create a new custom search engine.
  2. Set the Search URL to https://fend.deno.dev/?q=%s
  3. Under Advanced Options set the Suggestion URL to https://fend.deno.dev/suggestions?q={searchTerms}

If you don't want the = at the start of every prediction, use this url instead: https://fend.deno.dev/suggestions?no-equals=1&q={searchTerms}

  1. If you want the logo, set the logo URL to https://printfn.github.io/fend/fend-icon-128.png
  2. Choose a name - it should probably be Fend
  3. Click the button to add the search engine
  4. Follow the instructions to add it
  5. In about:preferences#search, add a shortcut for Fend in the search bar - I used !f. This means you can type !f (6*9+6+9)kg to lb to automatically search Fend without clicking the icon.


Why do queries sometimes fail?

Deno Deploy limits cpu time to 10ms. This means that more complex queries might not work.

Why not use Cloudflare Workers? They have a higher cpu time limit.

I tried using Cloudflare, but I ran into loads of issues loading the WASM file.

Why are you storing the js/dts/wasm files for Fend in the repo? Use NPM!

I tried. Deno Deploy doesn't like using npm modules and esm.sh didn't serve the WASM file properly.