
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Feature Importance and Vulnerability Analysis in ML Models

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Project Overview

This repository provides a robust framework for conducting feature importance and vulnerability analysis in machine learning models, specifically designed for tabular data. The framework addresses two primary business problems:

  1. Improving the prediction of marketing campaign success for term deposits using the bank marketing dataset
  2. Enhancing the assessment of credit risk using the German credit risk dataset


  • Implement a robust framework for analyzing and improving machine learning models.
  • Conduct uncertainty, feature importance, and feature performance analyses to identify model weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
  • Enhance the performance of marketing and credit risk models by improving their feature selection and understanding the impact of individual features on model predictions.

Baselines and Metrics

  1. Marketing Model:

    • Marketing Baseline
    • Provides insights and predictions to optimize campaign strategies, targeting the most likely customers for term deposits.
    • Baseline ROC-AUC: 0.89
    • Our improvement: Increase ROC-AUC by 2% (0.91)
  2. Credit Risk Model:

    • Credit Risk Baseline
    • Offers more accurate risk assessments to inform lending decisions and reduce default rates.
    • Baseline ROC-AUC: 0.78
    • Our improvement: Increase ROC-AUC by 2% (0.80)

Analyses Execution

  1. Iterate over the analyses_to_run list.
  2. Check if each analysis is defined in the analysis_methods dictionary.
  3. For each valid analysis, iterate over the trained_pipelines.
  4. Execute the specified analysis method on each pipeline.

Analyses Methods

Three specific types of analyses are defined in the ModelImprover class:

  1. Uncertainty Analysis

    • Purpose: Understand the confidence level of the model's predictions.
    • Method: Uses a baseline ensemble Monte Carlo method to calculate the uncertainty of the model's predictions.
  2. Feature Importance Analysis

    • Purpose: Determine the importance of different features used by the model.
    • Method: Uses SHAP values to plot feature importance and SHAP summary plots, and selects features based on their SHAP values.
  3. Feature Performance Analysis

    • Purpose: Analyze the performance of individual features in contributing to the model's predictions.
    • Method: Assesses how changes in feature values affect model accuracy or other performance metrics, identifying weaknesses in the model's use of certain features.

Utility Classes and Methods

  1. Uncertainty

    • Methods:
      • baseline_ensemble_monte_carlo: Calculates the uncertainty of the model's predictions using ensemble Monte Carlo simulations.
  2. Explainability

    • Methods:
      • plot_feature_importance: Plots the importance of each feature.
      • plot_shap_summary: Creates a SHAP summary plot.
      • select_features_based_on_shap: Selects features based on their SHAP values.
  3. FeaturePerformanceWeaknessAnalyzer

    • Methods:
      • analyze_feature_performance: Analyzes the performance of individual features.
      • plot_metric_drops: Plots the performance drops for vulnerable features.

Getting Started


Python Version scikit-learn Version XGBoost Version SHAP Version matplotlib Version numpy Version pandas Version scipy Version joblib Version


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/zahere/MLOps-24.git
    cd MLOps-24
  2. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Prepare your datasets and ensure you add the configuration json to /config folder .
  2. Define your pipelines and train your models.
  3. Configure the analyses_to_run list and the analysis_methods dictionary.
  4. Execute the analyses using the ModelImprover class.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Special thanks to Dr. Ishai Rosenberg - MLOps 24 Course (Y-Data)