
A simple web application built on top of the Procurement API, to demonstrate connecting suppliers, browsing products, and ordering them.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Zaikio Procurement API demo

A simple web application built on top of the Procurement API, to demonstrate connecting suppliers, browsing products, and ordering them.

Live demo | API guides


This application is a simple Rails application without any local state. Most of the business logic can be found in app/controllers (which broadly map to the Procurement api/v2 endpoints).

Authentication here is handled using a library called omniauth, which is a Ruby gem for easily setting up OAuth2 clients; our configuration can be found in config/initializers/omniauth_oauth.rb. The OAuth2 response includes a JWT token which expires after an hour, and the whole token is stored in an encrypted cookie using Rails sessions.

Omniauth was chosen for demo purposes, but Zaikio also offer a more fully-featured OAuth gem which stores tokens in the database, and also supports multiple clients, person/organization tokens, automatic token refreshing and complex redirect rules.

To communicate with the Procurement API, this uses a gem called faraday for making HTTP requests.

The client pages use a framework called hotwire and the turbo-rails. This allows the client to refresh parts of the page with server-rendered responses - this is how we do the inline variant browser, for example.

Installation & running locally

First, you'll need a Zaikio App to authenticate with. In addition to the default configuration, you'll need to set the Desired OAuth Scopes like so:


To run the app locally, we'll also need to add this OAuth redirect URL:


Next, we'll setup a Ruby environment. This application is built using Ruby on Rails. There are full instructions for setting up Ruby & the library on the guides.rubyonrails.org site.


  1. Clone this repository to your computer
  2. Run bundle install to fetch all of the dependencies. You will also need to install NodeJS & yarn, then run yarn install to fetch the CSS & JS assets
  3. Find your Zaikio client ID & secret in the sandbox Hub (documentation) then set them as environment variables like so: ZAIKIO_CLIENT_ID=... and ZAIKIO_CLIENT_SECRET=...
  4. Run the bin/dev command to start a Rails server, then visit http://localhost:3000.

Contributing & license

This code is released under the MIT license. Features, bugfixes and documentation pull requests & issues are all gratefully received.