
Database Schema

zainfathoni opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Update the database schema to support the application flow. Please refer to the Entity Relationship Diagram.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Definition of Done

  • Update schema.prisma file accordingly
  • Update seed.ts file to provide sufficient data for end-to-end testing
  • Write unit tests to test the data integrity

Current Tasks

  • #31
  • #98
  • #178
  • Write integration tests (using Jest) to verify data integrity of the seed script
  • Content Entity
  • Consumption Entity
  • Audit Trail Entity

I think I want to take this part, just a quick question. Where do I can find the app flow?

I think I want to take this part, just a quick question. Where can I find the app flow?

Thanks for the initiative! I will be preparing the flow documentation tonight. Hopefully, it will be ready by tomorrow morning. Please keep watching this issue, Mas @mandaputtra. I'll notify you once it's ready. ๐Ÿ˜‰

#31 is ready, Mas @mandaputtra. You can start working on it at your convenience. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™

Seems like I'm too late, someone already do PR lol. I'll wait for transaction schema to merge mas.

Tips: use Prismaliser to visualise your Prisma schema!

Although not perfect, it can be easier to maintain the Entity Relationship Diagram.